astropy.cosmology.realizations のソースコード

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

import sys
import warnings

from astropy import units as u
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyDeprecationWarning
from astropy.utils.state import ScienceState

from . import parameters
from .core import Cosmology, FlatLambdaCDM, LambdaCDM

__all__ = ["default_cosmology"] + parameters.available

__doctest_requires__ = {"*": ["scipy"]}

# Pre-defined cosmologies. This loops over the parameter sets in the
# parameters module and creates a LambdaCDM or FlatLambdaCDM instance
# with the same name as the parameter set in the current module's namespace.

for key in parameters.available:
    par = getattr(parameters, key)

    if par["cosmology"] == "FlatLambdaCDM":
        cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(
            m_nu=u.Quantity(par["m_nu"], u.eV),
        docstr = "{} instance of FlatLambdaCDM cosmology\n\n(from {})"
        cosmo.__doc__ = docstr.format(key, par["reference"])
        warnings.warn("Please open a PR for your added cosmology realization.")
        # For a non-flat LCDM realization, the following is the code necessary
        # to create the realization, given the parameters. We comment this out
        # as there are not currently any such built-in realizations.
        # cosmo = LambdaCDM(
        #     par["H0"],
        #     par["Om0"],
        #     par["Ode0"],
        #     Tcmb0=par["Tcmb0"],
        #     Neff=par["Neff"],
        #     m_nu=u.Quantity(par["m_nu"], u.eV),
        #     name=key,
        #     Ob0=par["Ob0"],
        # )
        # docstr = "{} instance of LambdaCDM cosmology\n\n(from {})"
        # cosmo.__doc__ = docstr.format(key, par["reference"])

    setattr(sys.modules[__name__], key, cosmo)

# don't leave these variables floating around in the namespace
del key, par, cosmo

# The science state below contains the current cosmology.

[ドキュメント]class default_cosmology(ScienceState): """ The default cosmology to use. To change it:: >>> from astropy.cosmology import default_cosmology, WMAP7 >>> with default_cosmology.set(WMAP7): ... # WMAP7 cosmology in effect ... pass Or, you may use a string:: >>> with default_cosmology.set('WMAP7'): ... # WMAP7 cosmology in effect ... pass """ _value = "Planck18"
[ドキュメント] @staticmethod def get_cosmology_from_string(arg): """ Return a cosmology instance from a string. """ if arg == "no_default": cosmo = None else: try: cosmo = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], arg) except AttributeError: s = "Unknown cosmology '{}'. Valid cosmologies:\n{}".format( arg, parameters.available ) raise ValueError(s) return cosmo
[ドキュメント] @classmethod def validate(cls, value): if value is None: value = "Planck18" if isinstance(value, str): if value == "Planck18_arXiv_v2": warnings.warn( f"{value} is deprecated in astropy 4.2, use Planck18 instead", AstropyDeprecationWarning, ) return cls.get_cosmology_from_string(value) elif isinstance(value, Cosmology): return value else: raise TypeError( "default_cosmology must be a string or Cosmology instance." )