astropy.table のソースコード

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from astropy import config as _config
from .column import Column, MaskedColumn, StringTruncateWarning, ColumnInfo

__all__ = ['BST', 'Column', 'ColumnGroups', 'ColumnInfo', 'Conf',
           'JSViewer', 'MaskedColumn', 'NdarrayMixin', 'QTable', 'Row',
           'SCEngine', 'SerializedColumn', 'SortedArray', 'StringTruncateWarning',
           'Table', 'TableAttribute', 'TableColumns', 'TableFormatter',
           'TableGroups', 'TableMergeError', 'TableReplaceWarning', 'conf',
           'connect', 'hstack', 'join', 'registry', 'represent_mixins_as_columns',
           'setdiff', 'unique', 'vstack', 'dstack', 'conf', 'join_skycoord',
           'join_distance', 'PprintIncludeExclude']

[ドキュメント]class Conf(_config.ConfigNamespace): # noqa """ Configuration parameters for `astropy.table`. """ auto_colname = _config.ConfigItem( 'col{0}', 'The template that determines the name of a column if it cannot be ' 'determined. Uses new-style (format method) string formatting.', aliases=['astropy.table.column.auto_colname']) default_notebook_table_class = _config.ConfigItem( 'table-striped table-bordered table-condensed', 'The table class to be used in Jupyter notebooks when displaying ' 'tables (and not overridden). See < ' 'for a list of useful bootstrap classes.') replace_warnings = _config.ConfigItem( [], 'List of conditions for issuing a warning when replacing a table ' "column using setitem, e.g. t['a'] = value. Allowed options are " "'always', 'slice', 'refcount', 'attributes'.", 'list') replace_inplace = _config.ConfigItem( False, 'Always use in-place update of a table column when using setitem, ' "e.g. t['a'] = value. This overrides the default behavior of " "replacing the column entirely with the new value when possible. " "This configuration option will be deprecated and then removed in " "subsequent major releases.")
conf = Conf() # noqa from . import connect # noqa: E402 from .groups import TableGroups, ColumnGroups # noqa: E402 from .table import (Table, QTable, TableColumns, Row, TableFormatter, NdarrayMixin, TableReplaceWarning, TableAttribute, PprintIncludeExclude) # noqa: E402 from .operations import (join, setdiff, hstack, dstack, vstack, unique, # noqa: E402 TableMergeError, join_skycoord, join_distance) # noqa: E402 from .bst import BST # noqa: E402 from .sorted_array import SortedArray # noqa: E402 from .soco import SCEngine # noqa: E402 from .serialize import SerializedColumn, represent_mixins_as_columns # noqa: E402 # Finally import the formats for the read and write method but delay building # the documentation until all are loaded. (#5275) from import registry # noqa: E402 with registry.delay_doc_updates(Table): # Import routines that connect readers/writers to astropy.table from .jsviewer import JSViewer import import import import import import # noqa: F401