Adding authorization

In the last chapter we built authentication into our wiki. We also went one step further and used the request.identity object to perform some explicit authorization checks. This is fine for a lot of applications, but Pyramid provides some facilities for cleaning this up and decoupling the constraints from the view function itself.

We will implement access control with the following steps:

Add ACL support

A principal is a level of abstraction on top of the raw identity that describes the user in terms of its capabilities, roles, or other identifiers that are easier to generalize. The permissions are then written against the principals without focusing on the exact user involved.

Pyramid defines two builtin principals used in every application: pyramid.authorization.Everyone and pyramid.authorization.Authenticated. On top of these we have already mentioned the required principals for this application in the original design. The user has two possible roles: editor or basic. These will be prefixed by the string role: to avoid clashing with any other types of principals.

Open the file tutorial/ and edit it as follows:

 1from pyramid.authentication import AuthTktCookieHelper
 2from pyramid.authorization import (
 3    ACLHelper,
 4    Authenticated,
 5    Everyone,
 7from pyramid.csrf import CookieCSRFStoragePolicy
 8from pyramid.request import RequestLocalCache
10from . import models
13class MySecurityPolicy:
14    def __init__(self, secret):
15        self.authtkt = AuthTktCookieHelper(secret)
16        self.identity_cache = RequestLocalCache(self.load_identity)
17        self.acl = ACLHelper()
19    def load_identity(self, request):
20        identity = self.authtkt.identify(request)
21        if identity is None:
22            return None
24        userid = identity['userid']
25        user = request.dbsession.query(models.User).get(userid)
26        return user
28    def identity(self, request):
29        return self.identity_cache.get_or_create(request)
31    def authenticated_userid(self, request):
32        user = self.identity(request)
33        if user is not None:
34            return
36    def remember(self, request, userid, **kw):
37        return self.authtkt.remember(request, userid, **kw)
39    def forget(self, request, **kw):
40        return self.authtkt.forget(request, **kw)
42    def permits(self, request, context, permission):
43        principals = self.effective_principals(request)
44        return self.acl.permits(context, principals, permission)
46    def effective_principals(self, request):
47        principals = [Everyone]
48        user = self.identity(request)
49        if user is not None:
50            principals.append(Authenticated)
51            principals.append('u:' + str(
52            principals.append('role:' + user.role)
53        return principals
55def includeme(config):
56    settings = config.get_settings()
58    config.set_csrf_storage_policy(CookieCSRFStoragePolicy())
59    config.set_default_csrf_options(require_csrf=True)
61    config.set_security_policy(MySecurityPolicy(settings['auth.secret']))

Only the highlighted lines need to be added.

Note that the role comes from the User object. We also add the as a principal for when we want to allow that exact user to edit pages which they have created.

We're using the pyramid.authorization.ACLHelper, which will suffice for most applications. It uses the context to define the mapping between a principal and permission for the current request via the __acl__ method or attribute.

The permits method completes our implementation of the pyramid.interfaces.ISecurityPolicy interface and enables our application to use pyramid.request.Request.has_permission and the permission= constraint on views.

Add resources and ACLs

Resources and context are the hidden gems of Pyramid. You've made it!

Every URL in a web application represents a resource (the "R" in Uniform Resource Locator). Often the resource is something in your data model, but it could also be an abstraction over many models.

Our wiki has two resources:

  1. A NewPage. Represents a potential Page that does not exist. Any logged-in user, having either role of basic or editor, can create pages.

  2. A PageResource. Represents a Page that is to be viewed or edited. editor users, as well as the original creator of the Page, may edit the PageResource. Anyone may view it.


The wiki data model is simple enough that the PageResource is mostly redundant with our models.Page SQLAlchemy class. It is completely valid to combine these into one class. However, for this tutorial, they are explicitly separated to make clear the distinction between the parts about which Pyramid cares versus application-defined objects.

There are many ways to define these resources, and they can even be grouped into collections with a hierarchy. However, we're keeping it simple here!

Open the file tutorial/ and edit the following lines:

 1from pyramid.authorization import (
 2    Allow,
 3    Everyone,
 5from pyramid.httpexceptions import (
 6    HTTPNotFound,
 7    HTTPSeeOther,
10from . import models
13def includeme(config):
14    config.add_static_view('static', 'static', cache_max_age=3600)
15    config.add_route('view_wiki', '/')
16    config.add_route('login', '/login')
17    config.add_route('logout', '/logout')
18    config.add_route('view_page', '/{pagename}', factory=page_factory)
19    config.add_route('add_page', '/add_page/{pagename}',
20                     factory=new_page_factory)
21    config.add_route('edit_page', '/{pagename}/edit_page',
22                     factory=page_factory)
24def new_page_factory(request):
25    pagename = request.matchdict['pagename']
26    if request.dbsession.query(models.Page).filter_by(name=pagename).count() > 0:
27        next_url = request.route_url('edit_page', pagename=pagename)
28        raise HTTPSeeOther(location=next_url)
29    return NewPage(pagename)
31class NewPage:
32    def __init__(self, pagename):
33        self.pagename = pagename
35    def __acl__(self):
36        return [
37            (Allow, 'role:editor', 'create'),
38            (Allow, 'role:basic', 'create'),
39        ]
41def page_factory(request):
42    pagename = request.matchdict['pagename']
43    page = request.dbsession.query(models.Page).filter_by(name=pagename).first()
44    if page is None:
45        raise HTTPNotFound
46    return PageResource(page)
48class PageResource:
49    def __init__(self, page):
50 = page
52    def __acl__(self):
53        return [
54            (Allow, Everyone, 'view'),
55            (Allow, 'role:editor', 'edit'),
56            (Allow, 'u:' + str(, 'edit'),
57        ]

The highlighted lines need to be edited or added.

The NewPage class has an __acl__ on it that returns a list of mappings from principal to permission. This defines who can do what with that resource. In our case we want to allow only those users with the principals of either role:editor or role:basic to have the create permission:

31class NewPage:
32    def __init__(self, pagename):
33        self.pagename = pagename
35    def __acl__(self):
36        return [
37            (Allow, 'role:editor', 'create'),
38            (Allow, 'role:basic', 'create'),
39        ]

The NewPage is loaded as the context of the add_page route by declaring a factory on the route:

19    config.add_route('add_page', '/add_page/{pagename}',
20                     factory=new_page_factory)

The PageResource class defines the ACL for a Page. It uses an actual Page object to determine who can do what to the page.

48class PageResource:
49    def __init__(self, page):
50 = page
52    def __acl__(self):
53        return [
54            (Allow, Everyone, 'view'),
55            (Allow, 'role:editor', 'edit'),
56            (Allow, 'u:' + str(, 'edit'),
57        ]

The PageResource is loaded as the context of the view_page and edit_page routes by declaring a factory on the routes:

18    config.add_route('view_page', '/{pagename}', factory=page_factory)
19    config.add_route('add_page', '/add_page/{pagename}',
20                     factory=new_page_factory)
21    config.add_route('edit_page', '/{pagename}/edit_page',
22                     factory=page_factory)

Add view permissions

At this point we've modified our application to load the PageResource, including the actual Page model in the page_factory. The PageResource is now the context for all view_page and edit_page views. Similarly the NewPage will be the context for the add_page view.

Open the file tutorial/views/

First, you can drop a few imports that are no longer necessary:

3from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPSeeOther
4from pyramid.view import view_config
5import re

Edit the view_page view to declare the view permission, and remove the explicit checks within the view:

18@view_config(route_name='view_page', renderer='tutorial:templates/view.jinja2',
19             permission='view')
20def view_page(request):
21    page =
23    def add_link(match):

The work of loading the page has already been done in the factory, so we can just pull the page object out of the PageResource, loaded as request.context. Our factory also guarantees we will have a Page, as it raises the HTTPNotFound exception if no Page exists, again simplifying the view logic.

Edit the edit_page view to declare the edit permission:

38@view_config(route_name='edit_page', renderer='tutorial:templates/edit.jinja2',
39             permission='edit')
40def edit_page(request):
41    page =
42    if request.method == 'POST':

Edit the add_page view to declare the create permission:

52@view_config(route_name='add_page', renderer='tutorial:templates/edit.jinja2',
53             permission='create')
54def add_page(request):
55    pagename = request.context.pagename
56    if request.method == 'POST':

Note the pagename here is pulled off of the context instead of request.matchdict. The factory has done a lot of work for us to hide the actual route pattern.

The ACLs defined on each resource are used by the security policy to determine if any principal is allowed to have some permission. If this check fails (for example, the user is not logged in) then an HTTPForbidden exception will be raised automatically. Thus we're able to drop those exceptions and checks from the views themselves. Rather we've defined them in terms of operations on a resource.

The final tutorial/views/ should look like the following:

 1from docutils.core import publish_parts
 2from html import escape
 3from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPSeeOther
 4from pyramid.view import view_config
 5import re
 7from .. import models
10# regular expression used to find WikiWords
11wikiwords = re.compile(r"\b([A-Z]\w+[A-Z]+\w+)")
14def view_wiki(request):
15    next_url = request.route_url('view_page', pagename='FrontPage')
16    return HTTPSeeOther(location=next_url)
18@view_config(route_name='view_page', renderer='tutorial:templates/view.jinja2',
19             permission='view')
20def view_page(request):
21    page =
23    def add_link(match):
24        word =
25        exists = request.dbsession.query(models.Page).filter_by(name=word).all()
26        if exists:
27            view_url = request.route_url('view_page', pagename=word)
28            return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (view_url, escape(word))
29        else:
30            add_url = request.route_url('add_page', pagename=word)
31            return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (add_url, escape(word))
33    content = publish_parts(, writer_name='html')['html_body']
34    content = wikiwords.sub(add_link, content)
35    edit_url = request.route_url('edit_page',
36    return dict(page=page, content=content, edit_url=edit_url)
38@view_config(route_name='edit_page', renderer='tutorial:templates/edit.jinja2',
39             permission='edit')
40def edit_page(request):
41    page =
42    if request.method == 'POST':
43 = request.params['body']
44        next_url = request.route_url('view_page',
45        return HTTPSeeOther(location=next_url)
46    return dict(
49        save_url=request.route_url('edit_page',,
50    )
52@view_config(route_name='add_page', renderer='tutorial:templates/edit.jinja2',
53             permission='create')
54def add_page(request):
55    pagename = request.context.pagename
56    if request.method == 'POST':
57        body = request.params['body']
58        page = models.Page(name=pagename, data=body)
59        page.creator = request.identity
60        request.dbsession.add(page)
61        next_url = request.route_url('view_page', pagename=pagename)
62        return HTTPSeeOther(location=next_url)
63    save_url = request.route_url('add_page', pagename=pagename)
64    return dict(pagename=pagename, pagedata='', save_url=save_url)

Viewing the application in a browser

We can finally examine our application in a browser (See Start the application). Launch a browser and visit each of the following URLs, checking that the result is as expected:

  • http://localhost:6543/ invokes the view_wiki view. This always redirects to the view_page view of the FrontPage page object. It is executable by any user.

  • http://localhost:6543/login invokes the login view, and a login form will be displayed. On every page, there is a "Login" link in the upper right corner while the user is not authenticated, else it is a "Logout" link when the user is authenticated.

    Supplying the credentials with either the username editor and password editor, or username basic and password basic, will authenticate the user and grant access for that group.

    After logging in (as a result of hitting an edit or add page and submitting valid credentials), we will see a "Logout" link in the upper right hand corner. When we click it, we are logged out, redirected back to the front page, and a "Login" link is shown in the upper right hand corner.

  • http://localhost:6543/FrontPage invokes the view_page view of the FrontPage page object.

  • http://localhost:6543/FrontPage/edit_page invokes the edit_page view for the FrontPage page object. It is executable by only the editor user. If a different user invokes it, then the "403 Forbidden" page will be displayed. If an anonymous user invokes it, then a login form will be displayed.

  • http://localhost:6543/add_page/SomePageName invokes the add_page view for a page. If the page already exists, then it redirects the user to the edit_page view for the page object. It is executable by either the editor or basic user. If an anonymous user invokes it, then a login form will be displayed.

  • http://localhost:6543/SomePageName/edit_page invokes the edit_page view for an existing page, or generates an error if the page does not exist. It is editable by the basic user if the page was created by that user in the previous step. If instead the page was created by the editor user, then the login page should be shown for the basic user.