What is pyramid_starter_seed¶
This tutorial should help you to start developing with the Pyramid web framework using a very minimal starter seed project based on:
a Pyramid's pcreate -t starter project
a Yeoman generator-webapp project
You can find the Pyramid starter seed code here on Github:
Thanks to Yeoman you can improve your developer experience when you are in development or production mode thanks to:
Javascript testing setup
Javascript code linting
Javascript/CSS concat and minification
image assets optimization
html template minification
switch to CDN versions of you vendor plugins in production mode
much more (you can add features adding new Grunt tasks)
We will see later how you can clone pyramid_starter_seed from github, add new features (eg: authentication, SQLAlchemy support, user models, a json REST API, add a modern Javascript framework as AngularJS, etc) and then launch a console script that helps you to rename the entire project with your more opinionated modifications, for example pyramid_yourawesomeproduct.
Based on Davide Moro articles (how to integrate the Yeoman workflow with Pyramid):