6: Storing Resources In ZODB¶
Store and retrieve resource tree containers and items in a database.
We now have a resource tree that can go infinitely deep, adding items and subcontainers along the way. We obviously need a database, one that can support hierarchies. ZODB is a transaction-based Python database that supports transparent persistence. We will modify our application to work with the ZODB.
Along the way we will add the use of pyramid_tm
, a system for adding
transaction awareness to our code. With this we don't need to manually manage
our transaction begin/commit cycles in our application code. Instead,
transactions are setup transparently on request/response boundaries, outside
our application code.
Create a CRUD app that adds records to persistent storage.
.Make our "content" classes inherit from
.Set up a database connection string in our application.
Set up a root factory that serves the root from ZODB rather than from memory.
We are going to use the previous step as our starting point:
$ cd ..; cp -r addcontent zodb; cd zodb
Introduce some new dependencies in
:1from setuptools import setup 2 3requires = [ 4 'pyramid', 5 'pyramid_jinja2', 6 'ZODB3', 7 'pyramid_zodbconn', 8 'pyramid_tm', 9 'pyramid_debugtoolbar' 10] 11 12setup(name='tutorial', 13 install_requires=requires, 14 entry_points="""\ 15 [paste.app_factory] 16 main = tutorial:main 17 """, 18)
We can now install our project:
$ $VENV/bin/python setup.py develop
Modify our
to include some configuration and give database connection parameters:1[app:main] 2use = egg:tutorial 3pyramid.reload_templates = true 4pyramid.includes = 5 pyramid_debugtoolbar 6 pyramid_zodbconn 7 pyramid_tm 8zodbconn.uri = file://%(here)s/Data.fs?connection_cache_size=20000 9 10[server:main] 11use = egg:pyramid#wsgiref 12host = 13port = 6543 14 15# Begin logging configuration 16 17[loggers] 18keys = root, tutorial 19 20[logger_tutorial] 21level = DEBUG 22handlers = 23qualname = tutorial 24 25[handlers] 26keys = console 27 28[formatters] 29keys = generic 30 31[logger_root] 32level = INFO 33handlers = console 34 35[handler_console] 36class = StreamHandler 37args = (sys.stderr,) 38level = NOTSET 39formatter = generic 40 41[formatter_generic] 42format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s][%(threadName)s] %(message)s 43 44# End logging configuration
Our startup code in
gets some bootstrapping changes:1from pyramid.config import Configurator 2from pyramid_zodbconn import get_connection 3 4from .resources import bootstrap 5 6 7def root_factory(request): 8 conn = get_connection(request) 9 return bootstrap(conn.root()) 10 11def main(global_config, **settings): 12 config = Configurator(settings=settings, 13 root_factory=root_factory) 14 config.include('pyramid_jinja2') 15 config.scan('.views') 16 return config.make_wsgi_app()
Our views in
have modest changes inadd_folder
for how new instances are made and put into a container:1from random import randint 2 3from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound 4from pyramid.location import lineage 5from pyramid.view import view_config 6 7from .resources import ( 8 Root, 9 Folder, 10 Document 11 ) 12 13 14class TutorialViews(object): 15 def __init__(self, context, request): 16 self.context = context 17 self.request = request 18 self.parents = reversed(list(lineage(context))) 19 20 @view_config(renderer='templates/root.jinja2', 21 context=Root) 22 def root(self): 23 page_title = 'Quick Tutorial: Root' 24 return dict(page_title=page_title) 25 26 @view_config(renderer='templates/folder.jinja2', 27 context=Folder) 28 def folder(self): 29 page_title = 'Quick Tutorial: Folder' 30 return dict(page_title=page_title) 31 32 @view_config(name='add_folder', context=Folder) 33 def add_folder(self): 34 # Make a new Folder 35 title = self.request.POST['folder_title'] 36 name = str(randint(0, 999999)) 37 new_folder = Folder(title) 38 new_folder.__name__ = name 39 new_folder.__parent__ = self.context 40 self.context[name] = new_folder 41 42 # Redirect to the new folder 43 url = self.request.resource_url(new_folder) 44 return HTTPFound(location=url) 45 46 @view_config(name='add_document', context=Folder) 47 def add_document(self): 48 # Make a new Document 49 title = self.request.POST['document_title'] 50 name = str(randint(0, 999999)) 51 new_document = Document(title) 52 new_document.__name__ = name 53 new_document.__parent__ = self.context 54 self.context[name] = new_document 55 56 # Redirect to the new document 57 url = self.request.resource_url(new_document) 58 return HTTPFound(location=url) 59 60 @view_config(renderer='templates/document.jinja2', 61 context=Document) 62 def document(self): 63 page_title = 'Quick Tutorial: Document' 64 return dict(page_title=page_title)
Make our resources persistent in
:1from persistent import Persistent 2from persistent.mapping import PersistentMapping 3import transaction 4 5 6class Folder(PersistentMapping): 7 def __init__(self, title): 8 PersistentMapping.__init__(self) 9 self.title = title 10 11 12class Root(Folder): 13 __name__ = None 14 __parent__ = None 15 16 17class Document(Persistent): 18 def __init__(self, title): 19 Persistent.__init__(self) 20 self.title = title 21 22 23def bootstrap(zodb_root): 24 if not 'tutorial' in zodb_root: 25 root = Root('My Site') 26 zodb_root['tutorial'] = root 27 transaction.commit() 28 return zodb_root['tutorial']
No changes to any templates!
Run your Pyramid application with:
$ $VENV/bin/pserve development.ini --reload
Open http://localhost:6543/ in your browser.
We install pyramid_zodbconn
to handle database connections to ZODB. This
pulls the ZODB3 package as well.
To enable pyramid_zodbconn
We activate the package configuration using
.We define a
setting with the path to the Data.fs file.
In the root factory, instead of using our old root object, we now get a connection to the ZODB and create the object using that.
Our resources need a couple of small changes. Folders now inherit from
and document from persistent.Persistent
Note that Folder
now needs to call super()
on the __init__
or the mapping will not initialize properly.
On the bootstrap, note the use of transaction.commit()
to commit the
change. This is because on first startup, we want a root resource in place
before continuing.
ZODB has many modes of deployment. For example, ZEO is a pure-Python object storage service across multiple processes and hosts. RelStorage lets you use a RDBMS for storage/retrieval of your Python pickles.
Extra Credit¶
Create a view that deletes a document.
Remove the configuration line that includes
. What happens when you restart the application? Are your changes persisted across restarts?What happens if you delete the files named