sphinx.util.docutils のソースコード


    Utility functions for docutils.

    :copyright: Copyright 2007-2021 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.

import os
import re
from contextlib import contextmanager
from copy import copy
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from os import path
from types import ModuleType
from typing import IO, Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, cast

import docutils
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.io import FileOutput
from docutils.nodes import Element, Node, system_message
from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives, roles
from docutils.parsers.rst.states import Inliner
from docutils.statemachine import State, StateMachine, StringList
from docutils.utils import Reporter, unescape

from sphinx.errors import SphinxError
from sphinx.util import logging
from sphinx.util.typing import RoleFunction

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
report_re = re.compile('^(.+?:(?:\\d+)?): \\((DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|SEVERE)/(\\d+)?\\) ')

if False:
    # For type annotation
    from typing import Type  # for python3.5.1

    from sphinx.builders import Builder
    from sphinx.config import Config
    from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment

__version_info__ = tuple(LooseVersion(docutils.__version__).version)
additional_nodes = set()  # type: Set[Type[nodes.Element]]

def docutils_namespace() -> Generator[None, None, None]:
    """Create namespace for reST parsers."""
        _directives = copy(directives._directives)  # type: ignore
        _roles = copy(roles._roles)  # type: ignore

        directives._directives = _directives  # type: ignore
        roles._roles = _roles  # type: ignore

        for node in list(additional_nodes):

def is_directive_registered(name: str) -> bool:
    """Check the *name* directive is already registered."""
    return name in directives._directives  # type: ignore

def register_directive(name: str, directive: "Type[Directive]") -> None:
    """Register a directive to docutils.

    This modifies global state of docutils.  So it is better to use this
    inside ``docutils_namespace()`` to prevent side-effects.
    directives.register_directive(name, directive)

def is_role_registered(name: str) -> bool:
    """Check the *name* role is already registered."""
    return name in roles._roles  # type: ignore

def register_role(name: str, role: RoleFunction) -> None:
    """Register a role to docutils.

    This modifies global state of docutils.  So it is better to use this
    inside ``docutils_namespace()`` to prevent side-effects.
    roles.register_local_role(name, role)

def unregister_role(name: str) -> None:
    """Unregister a role from docutils."""
    roles._roles.pop(name, None)  # type: ignore

def is_node_registered(node: "Type[Element]") -> bool:
    """Check the *node* is already registered."""
    return hasattr(nodes.GenericNodeVisitor, 'visit_' + node.__name__)

def register_node(node: "Type[Element]") -> None:
    """Register a node to docutils.

    This modifies global state of some visitors.  So it is better to use this
    inside ``docutils_namespace()`` to prevent side-effects.
    if not hasattr(nodes.GenericNodeVisitor, 'visit_' + node.__name__):
        nodes._add_node_class_names([node.__name__])  # type: ignore

def unregister_node(node: "Type[Element]") -> None:
    """Unregister a node from docutils.

    This is inverse of ``nodes._add_nodes_class_names()``.
    if hasattr(nodes.GenericNodeVisitor, 'visit_' + node.__name__):
        delattr(nodes.GenericNodeVisitor, "visit_" + node.__name__)
        delattr(nodes.GenericNodeVisitor, "depart_" + node.__name__)
        delattr(nodes.SparseNodeVisitor, 'visit_' + node.__name__)
        delattr(nodes.SparseNodeVisitor, 'depart_' + node.__name__)

def patched_get_language() -> Generator[None, None, None]:
    """Patch docutils.languages.get_language() temporarily.

    This ignores the second argument ``reporter`` to suppress warnings.
    refs: https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/3788
    from docutils.languages import get_language

    def patched_get_language(language_code: str, reporter: Reporter = None) -> Any:
        return get_language(language_code)

        docutils.languages.get_language = patched_get_language
        # restore original implementations
        docutils.languages.get_language = get_language

def using_user_docutils_conf(confdir: str) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
    """Let docutils know the location of ``docutils.conf`` for Sphinx."""
        docutilsconfig = os.environ.get('DOCUTILSCONFIG', None)
        if confdir:
            os.environ['DOCUTILSCONFIG'] = path.join(path.abspath(confdir), 'docutils.conf')

        if docutilsconfig is None:
            os.environ.pop('DOCUTILSCONFIG', None)
            os.environ['DOCUTILSCONFIG'] = docutilsconfig

def patch_docutils(confdir: str = None) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
    """Patch to docutils temporarily."""
    with patched_get_language(), using_user_docutils_conf(confdir):

class ElementLookupError(Exception):

class sphinx_domains:
    """Monkey-patch directive and role dispatch, so that domain-specific
    markup takes precedence.
    def __init__(self, env: "BuildEnvironment") -> None:
        self.env = env
        self.directive_func = None  # type: Callable
        self.roles_func = None  # type: Callable

    def __enter__(self) -> None:

    def __exit__(self, exc_type: "Type[Exception]", exc_value: Exception, traceback: Any) -> None:  # NOQA

    def enable(self) -> None:
        self.directive_func = directives.directive
        self.role_func = roles.role

        directives.directive = self.lookup_directive
        roles.role = self.lookup_role

    def disable(self) -> None:
        directives.directive = self.directive_func
        roles.role = self.role_func

    def lookup_domain_element(self, type: str, name: str) -> Any:
        """Lookup a markup element (directive or role), given its name which can
        be a full name (with domain).
        name = name.lower()
        # explicit domain given?
        if ':' in name:
            domain_name, name = name.split(':', 1)
            if domain_name in self.env.domains:
                domain = self.env.get_domain(domain_name)
                element = getattr(domain, type)(name)
                if element is not None:
                    return element, []
        # else look in the default domain
            def_domain = self.env.temp_data.get('default_domain')
            if def_domain is not None:
                element = getattr(def_domain, type)(name)
                if element is not None:
                    return element, []

        # always look in the std domain
        element = getattr(self.env.get_domain('std'), type)(name)
        if element is not None:
            return element, []

        raise ElementLookupError

    def lookup_directive(self, directive_name: str, language_module: ModuleType, document: nodes.document) -> Tuple[Optional["Type[Directive]"], List[system_message]]:  # NOQA
            return self.lookup_domain_element('directive', directive_name)
        except ElementLookupError:
            return self.directive_func(directive_name, language_module, document)

    def lookup_role(self, role_name: str, language_module: ModuleType, lineno: int, reporter: Reporter) -> Tuple[RoleFunction, List[system_message]]:  # NOQA
            return self.lookup_domain_element('role', role_name)
        except ElementLookupError:
            return self.role_func(role_name, language_module, lineno, reporter)

class WarningStream:
    def write(self, text: str) -> None:
        matched = report_re.search(text)
        if not matched:
            location, type, level = matched.groups()
            message = report_re.sub('', text).rstrip()
            logger.log(type, message, location=location)

class LoggingReporter(Reporter):
    def from_reporter(cls, reporter: Reporter) -> "LoggingReporter":
        """Create an instance of LoggingReporter from other reporter object."""
        return cls(reporter.source, reporter.report_level, reporter.halt_level,
                   reporter.debug_flag, reporter.error_handler)

    def __init__(self, source: str, report_level: int = Reporter.WARNING_LEVEL,
                 halt_level: int = Reporter.SEVERE_LEVEL, debug: bool = False,
                 error_handler: str = 'backslashreplace') -> None:
        stream = cast(IO, WarningStream())
        super().__init__(source, report_level, halt_level,
                         stream, debug, error_handler=error_handler)

class NullReporter(Reporter):
    """A dummy reporter; write nothing."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super().__init__('', 999, 4)

def is_html5_writer_available() -> bool:
    return __version_info__ > (0, 13, 0)

def switch_source_input(state: State, content: StringList) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
    """Switch current source input of state temporarily."""
        # remember the original ``get_source_and_line()`` method
        get_source_and_line = state.memo.reporter.get_source_and_line  # type: ignore

        # replace it by new one
        state_machine = StateMachine([], None)
        state_machine.input_lines = content
        state.memo.reporter.get_source_and_line = state_machine.get_source_and_line  # type: ignore  # NOQA

        # restore the method
        state.memo.reporter.get_source_and_line = get_source_and_line  # type: ignore

class SphinxFileOutput(FileOutput):
    """Better FileOutput class for Sphinx."""

    def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        self.overwrite_if_changed = kwargs.pop('overwrite_if_changed', False)

    def write(self, data: str) -> str:
        if (self.destination_path and self.autoclose and 'b' not in self.mode and
                self.overwrite_if_changed and os.path.exists(self.destination_path)):
            with open(self.destination_path, encoding=self.encoding) as f:
                # skip writing: content not changed
                if f.read() == data:
                    return data

        return super().write(data)

[ドキュメント]class SphinxDirective(Directive): """A base class for Sphinx directives. This class provides helper methods for Sphinx directives. .. note:: The subclasses of this class might not work with docutils. This class is strongly coupled with Sphinx. """ @property def env(self) -> "BuildEnvironment": """Reference to the :class:`.BuildEnvironment` object.""" return self.state.document.settings.env @property def config(self) -> "Config": """Reference to the :class:`.Config` object.""" return self.env.config
[ドキュメント] def get_source_info(self) -> Tuple[str, int]: """Get source and line number.""" return self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(self.lineno)
[ドキュメント] def set_source_info(self, node: Node) -> None: """Set source and line number to the node.""" node.source, node.line = self.get_source_info()
[ドキュメント]class SphinxRole: """A base class for Sphinx roles. This class provides helper methods for Sphinx roles. .. note:: The subclasses of this class might not work with docutils. This class is strongly coupled with Sphinx. """ name = None #: The role name actually used in the document. rawtext = None #: A string containing the entire interpreted text input. text = None #: The interpreted text content. lineno = None #: The line number where the interpreted text begins. inliner = None #: The ``docutils.parsers.rst.states.Inliner`` object. options = None #: A dictionary of directive options for customization #: (from the "role" directive). content = None #: A list of strings, the directive content for customization #: (from the "role" directive). def __call__(self, name: str, rawtext: str, text: str, lineno: int, inliner: Inliner, options: Dict = {}, content: List[str] = [] ) -> Tuple[List[Node], List[system_message]]: self.rawtext = rawtext self.text = unescape(text) self.lineno = lineno self.inliner = inliner self.options = options self.content = content # guess role type if name: self.name = name.lower() else: self.name = self.env.temp_data.get('default_role') if not self.name: self.name = self.env.config.default_role if not self.name: raise SphinxError('cannot determine default role!') return self.run() def run(self) -> Tuple[List[Node], List[system_message]]: raise NotImplementedError @property def env(self) -> "BuildEnvironment": """Reference to the :class:`.BuildEnvironment` object.""" return self.inliner.document.settings.env @property def config(self) -> "Config": """Reference to the :class:`.Config` object.""" return self.env.config def get_source_info(self, lineno: int = None) -> Tuple[str, int]: if lineno is None: lineno = self.lineno return self.inliner.reporter.get_source_and_line(lineno) # type: ignore def set_source_info(self, node: Node, lineno: int = None) -> None: node.source, node.line = self.get_source_info(lineno)
[ドキュメント]class ReferenceRole(SphinxRole): """A base class for reference roles. The reference roles can accpet ``link title <target>`` style as a text for the role. The parsed result; link title and target will be stored to ``self.title`` and ``self.target``. """ has_explicit_title = None #: A boolean indicates the role has explicit title or not. disabled = False #: A boolean indicates the reference is disabled. title = None #: The link title for the interpreted text. target = None #: The link target for the interpreted text. # \x00 means the "<" was backslash-escaped explicit_title_re = re.compile(r'^(.+?)\s*(?<!\x00)<(.*?)>$', re.DOTALL) def __call__(self, name: str, rawtext: str, text: str, lineno: int, inliner: Inliner, options: Dict = {}, content: List[str] = [] ) -> Tuple[List[Node], List[system_message]]: # if the first character is a bang, don't cross-reference at all self.disabled = text.startswith('!') matched = self.explicit_title_re.match(text) if matched: self.has_explicit_title = True self.title = unescape(matched.group(1)) self.target = unescape(matched.group(2)) else: self.has_explicit_title = False self.title = unescape(text) self.target = unescape(text) return super().__call__(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options, content)
class SphinxTranslator(nodes.NodeVisitor): """A base class for Sphinx translators. This class adds a support for visitor/departure method for super node class if visitor/departure method for node class is not found. It also provides helper methods for Sphinx translators. .. note:: The subclasses of this class might not work with docutils. This class is strongly coupled with Sphinx. """ def __init__(self, document: nodes.document, builder: "Builder") -> None: super().__init__(document) self.builder = builder self.config = builder.config self.settings = document.settings def dispatch_visit(self, node: Node) -> None: """ Dispatch node to appropriate visitor method. The priority of visitor method is: 1. ``self.visit_{node_class}()`` 2. ``self.visit_{super_node_class}()`` 3. ``self.unknown_visit()`` """ for node_class in node.__class__.__mro__: method = getattr(self, 'visit_%s' % (node_class.__name__), None) if method: method(node) break else: super().dispatch_visit(node) def dispatch_departure(self, node: Node) -> None: """ Dispatch node to appropriate departure method. The priority of departure method is: 1. ``self.depart_{node_class}()`` 2. ``self.depart_{super_node_class}()`` 3. ``self.unknown_departure()`` """ for node_class in node.__class__.__mro__: method = getattr(self, 'depart_%s' % (node_class.__name__), None) if method: method(node) break else: super().dispatch_departure(node) # cache a vanilla instance of nodes.document # Used in new_document() function __document_cache__ = None # type: nodes.document def new_document(source_path: str, settings: Any = None) -> nodes.document: """Return a new empty document object. This is an alternative of docutils'. This is a simple wrapper for ``docutils.utils.new_document()``. It caches the result of docutils' and use it on second call for instantiation. This makes an instantiation of document nodes much faster. """ global __document_cache__ if __document_cache__ is None: __document_cache__ = docutils.utils.new_document(source_path) if settings is None: # Make a copy of ``settings`` from cache to accelerate instansiation settings = copy(__document_cache__.settings) # Create a new instance of nodes.document using cached reporter from sphinx import addnodes document = addnodes.document(settings, __document_cache__.reporter, source=source_path) document.note_source(source_path, -1) return document