bokeh.models.renderers のソースコード

# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2020, Anaconda, Inc., and Bokeh Contributors.
# All rights reserved.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
''' Models (mostly base classes) for the various kinds of renderer
types that Bokeh supports.

# Boilerplate
import logging # isort:skip
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Imports

# Standard library imports
from difflib import get_close_matches

# Bokeh imports
from ..core.enums import RenderLevel
from ..core.has_props import abstract
from import (
from ..core.validation import error
from ..core.validation.errors import (
from ..model import Model
from .glyphs import Circle, ConnectedXYGlyph, Glyph, MultiLine
from .graphs import GraphHitTestPolicy, LayoutProvider, NodesOnly
from .sources import CDSView, ColumnDataSource, DataSource, WebSource
from .tiles import TileSource, WMTSTileSource

# Globals and constants

__all__ = (

# General API

# Dev API

[ドキュメント]@abstract class Renderer(Model): '''An abstract base class for renderer types. ''' level = Enum(RenderLevel, help=""" Specifies the level in which to paint this renderer. """) visible = Bool(default=True, help=""" Is the renderer visible. """) x_range_name = String('default', help=""" A particular (named) x-range to use for computing screen locations when rendering glyphs on the plot. If unset, use the default x-range. """) y_range_name = String('default', help=""" A particular (named) y-range to use for computing screen locations when rendering glyphs on the plot. If unset, use the default y-range. """)
[ドキュメント]@abstract class DataRenderer(Renderer): ''' An abstract base class for data renderer types (e.g. ``GlyphRenderer``, ``TileRenderer``, ``GraphRenderer``). ''' level = Override(default="glyph")
[ドキュメント]class TileRenderer(DataRenderer): ''' ''' tile_source = Instance(TileSource, default=lambda: WMTSTileSource(), help=""" Local data source to use when rendering glyphs on the plot. """) alpha = Float(1.0, help=""" tile opacity 0.0 - 1.0 """) smoothing = Bool(default=True, help=""" Enable image smoothing for the rendered tiles. """) render_parents = Bool(default=True, help=""" Flag enable/disable drawing of parent tiles while waiting for new tiles to arrive. Default value is True. """)
[ドキュメント]class GlyphRenderer(DataRenderer): ''' ''' def __str__(self): return f"GlyphRenderer(id={}, glyph={str(self.glyph)}, ...)" @error(CDSVIEW_FILTERS_WITH_CONNECTED) def _check_cdsview_filters_with_connected(self): if isinstance(self.glyph, ConnectedXYGlyph) and len(self.view.filters) > 0: return str(self) @error(MISSING_GLYPH) def _check_missing_glyph(self): if not self.glyph: return str(self) @error(NO_SOURCE_FOR_GLYPH) def _check_no_source_for_glyph(self): if not self.data_source: return str(self) @error(CDSVIEW_SOURCE_DOESNT_MATCH) def _check_cdsview_source(self): if self.data_source is not self.view.source: return str(self) @error(BAD_COLUMN_NAME) def _check_bad_column_name(self): if not self.glyph: return if not self.data_source: return if isinstance(self.data_source, WebSource): return missing_values = set() specs = self.glyph.dataspecs() for name, item in self.glyph.properties_with_values(include_defaults=False).items(): if name not in specs: continue if not isinstance(item, dict): continue if not isinstance(self.data_source, ColumnDataSource): continue if 'field' in item and item['field'] not in self.data_source.column_names: missing_values.add((item['field'], name)) if missing_values: suggestions = ['" (closest match: "%s")' % s[0] if s else '"' for s in [ get_close_matches(term[0], self.data_source.column_names, n=1) for term in missing_values]] missing_values = [("".join([m[0], s]), m[1]) for m, s in zip(missing_values, suggestions)] missing = ['key "%s" value "%s' % (k, v) for v, k in missing_values] return "%s [renderer: %s]" % (", ".join(sorted(missing)), self) def __init__(self, **kw): super().__init__(**kw) if "view" not in kw: self.view = CDSView(source=self.data_source) data_source = Instance(DataSource, help=""" Local data source to use when rendering glyphs on the plot. """) view = Instance(CDSView, help=""" A view into the data source to use when rendering glyphs. A default view of the entire data source is created when a view is not passed in during initialization. .. note: Only the default (filterless) CDSView is compatible with glyphs that have connected topology, such as Line and Patch. Setting filters on views for these glyphs will result in a warning and undefined behavior. """) glyph = Instance(Glyph, help=""" The glyph to render, in conjunction with the supplied data source and ranges. """) selection_glyph = Either(Auto, Instance(Glyph), default="auto", help=""" An optional glyph used for selected points. If set to "auto" then the standard glyph will be used for selected points. """) nonselection_glyph = Either(Auto, Instance(Glyph), default="auto", help=""" An optional glyph used for explicitly non-selected points (i.e., non-selected when there are other points that are selected, but not when no points at all are selected.) If set to "auto" then a glyph with a low alpha value (0.1) will be used for non-selected points. """) hover_glyph = Instance(Glyph, help=""" An optional glyph used for inspected points, e.g., those that are being hovered over by a ``HoverTool``. """) muted_glyph = Instance(Glyph, help=""" """) muted = Bool(False, help=""" """)
_DEFAULT_NODE_RENDERER = lambda: GlyphRenderer( glyph=Circle(), data_source=ColumnDataSource(data=dict(index=[])) ) _DEFAULT_EDGE_RENDERER = lambda: GlyphRenderer( glyph=MultiLine(), data_source=ColumnDataSource(data=dict(start=[], end=[])) )
[ドキュメント]class GraphRenderer(DataRenderer): ''' ''' @error(MALFORMED_GRAPH_SOURCE) def _check_malformed_graph_source(self): missing = [] if "index" not in self.node_renderer.data_source.column_names: missing.append("Column 'index' is missing in GraphSource.node_renderer.data_source") if "start" not in self.edge_renderer.data_source.column_names: missing.append("Column 'start' is missing in GraphSource.edge_renderer.data_source") if "end" not in self.edge_renderer.data_source.column_names: missing.append("Column 'end' is missing in GraphSource.edge_renderer.data_source") if missing: return " ,".join(missing) + " [%s]" % self layout_provider = Instance(LayoutProvider, help=""" An instance of a ``LayoutProvider`` that supplies the layout of the network graph in cartesian space. """) node_renderer = Instance(GlyphRenderer, default=_DEFAULT_NODE_RENDERER, help=""" Instance of a ``GlyphRenderer`` containing an ``XYGlyph`` that will be rendered as the graph nodes. """) edge_renderer = Instance(GlyphRenderer, default=_DEFAULT_EDGE_RENDERER, help=""" Instance of a ``GlyphRenderer`` containing an ``MultiLine`` Glyph that will be rendered as the graph edges. """) selection_policy = Instance(GraphHitTestPolicy, default=lambda: NodesOnly(), help=""" An instance of a ``GraphHitTestPolicy`` that provides the logic for selection of graph components. """) inspection_policy = Instance(GraphHitTestPolicy, default=lambda: NodesOnly(), help=""" An instance of a ``GraphHitTestPolicy`` that provides the logic for inspection of graph components. """)
[ドキュメント]@abstract class GuideRenderer(Renderer): ''' A base class for all guide renderer types. ``GuideRenderer`` is not generally useful to instantiate on its own. ''' level = Override(default="guide")
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------