
GeoNetworkはプル型要求ワークフローを用いて,管理と審査変更を許可する.すべての仕事は分岐で完了され、それから統合されて戻ってくる。変更したい分岐から開発が開始されると、そこから新しい機能分岐を作成し、その機能分岐で変更を行い、機能分岐をGitHub Repoに発行し、変更の確認を要求して統合します。

コアGeoNetwork開発者は,上流に機能分岐を設置して特定のトピックを探索する場合がある.これらの共有機能分岐は,Pull-Requestとして提出された場合に審査される. master それがそうです。


$ git checkout master
   # master is the 'trunk' and main development branch
   # the checkout command "checks out" the requested branch

$ git checkout -b myfeature
   # the -b requests that the branch be created
   # ``git branch`` will list all the branches you have checked out locally at some point
   # ``git branch -a`` will list all branches in repository (checked out or not)

# work work work

$ git status
   # See what files have been modified or added

$ git add <new or modified files>
   # Add all files to be committed ``git add -u`` will add all modified (but not untracked)

$ git commit -m "<a short message describing change>"
   # Commit often.  it is VERY fast to commit
   # NOTE: doing a commit is a local operation.  It does not push the change to Github

# more work
# another commit

$ git push origin myfeature

   # this pushed your new branch to Github
   # now you are ready to make a Pull Request to get the new feature added to GeoNetwork

# revise pull request based on review feedback
# another commit
# another push to update pull request
# Success!!


git submodule update --init